Upgrade your advisor and reduce your fees.

$227+ million
Member Portfolios Analyzed
$22 billion
AUM of RIA Firm Partners

As featured in a case study by:

*The Rainbook Advisor Analyzer® leverages connections facilitated by Morningstar's ByAllAccounts.

Over 700,000
Financial Advisors

Most 'financial advisors' are registered brokers, taking commissions. Only 12% of advisors are a true fiduciary and all of the Rainbook Advisor Network are true fiduciaries. Rainbook provides you with an unbiased evaluation of your advisor and ongoing monitoring for free.

Uncover Hidden Fees

Hidden layered fees are embedded in nearly every portfolio. These fund charges and load fees can often be excessive, and some cases, outright predatory.


All data is protected with AES-256 encryption. The platform is a read-only interface, completely non-transactional.  We add an extra layer of security through Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to verify your identity and ensure that only you have access to your account.

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Six factors
to determine alpha:

  • Performance
  • Fees
  • Independence - Credentials
  • Engagement & Trust
  • Statement Quality
  • Alternatives

1 + 1 = 3

"Two people who collaborate well will be about three times as effective as each of them operating independently."
- Ray Dalio, Principles: Life and Work

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for a renewed advisor relationship.
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Advisor Analyzer®

Transform Your Advisor Relationship.

Good Rating, Fair Rating, Poor Rating

Factor Ratings

Easy to understand ratings determine if your advisor is delivering alpha.

Dashboard Summary Snapshot
Dashboard Snapshot

Summary of three critical factors that comprise your Advisor Score.

Trust but Verify

Understand your advisor's independence and credentials.

See Your Fees
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